Category Archives: World War Three?

Epitome of British Perfidy: Piers Morgan Laid Bare

Camel Rider **


When you see the level of stupidity, arrogance and incompetence, as part of a massive disinformation campaign coming from the British mainstream media today (as illustrated in this interview by Piers Morgan) we can have absolutely no confidence whatsoever in anything the Western mainstream media says. In this interview, Professor Marandi’s explanations were correct. His analysis of Iran’s response to Israel’s destruction of the Iranian Embassy was correct. Iran responded by mounting three interrelated operations.

Piers Morgan 

P rofessor Marandi

The first was a Psychological Warfare operation. Here, Iran delayed their retaliatory strike by two weeks in order to sow fear among the Israeli population and to undermine confidence in the Israeli Government.

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Strident US Powermongers Set on World War III?

An American on The Fringe, whose preferred title is “Russia, China, Iran & North Korea – Combatting the New Axis of Evil”

“Evil is on the march! History is calling! And now is the time to act!” declares Rep. Mike McCaul (R-TX). He says Congress has an opportunity today to do the equivalent of “stopping Hitler” in the 1930s ………………………………..

Mike McCaul

 MikeRogers Continue reading

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From “Tribalism” to “Fascist Nationalism”: Ethical Musings

Brian Victoria* … in Informed Comment  ……. where the title read thus: “The Battle for the Soul of Judaism: Tribalism, Amalek and the Axial Age Universalism of Isaiah”


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“Full Spectrum Dominance” as USA’s Guiding Doctrine

Fair Dinkum


American foreign policy aims at one thing and its very explicit. It is what the West calls “Full Spectrum Dominance”. That the US is the dominant state in every region of the world and no regional power can challenge the US, even on a regional basis.

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Devious Propaganda Guided by Geopolitical Positioning

An Honest Broker **Devious 

With regard to the Maldives piece, this article is propaganda: …………………..  You cannot expect it to remain unchallenged.

The article doesn’t contain a single piece of information that hasn’t been slanted in India’s favour, at the expense of China. The arguments presented here are “meritless, counter-productive and not based on facts”, as John Kirby would say. The intention is once again, as India always does, to smear China’s relations with countries in the South Asian region and reassert Indian hegemonic dominance. That’s why you can’t post a link without it being challenged.

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The Geopolitics underlying the Strengthening of Maldivian Links with China

Timur Fomenko in, 15 January 2024, where the title reads  as How a tiny tourist paradise has become a political flashpoint between India and China” ….. with highlights imposed by The Editor, Thuppahi and pertinents Thoughts sent by “Skindiver” who sent this reference to Thuppahi.

The Maldives, with its new anti-New Delhi, pro-Beijing president, is set to become an inconvenient neighbor.

The Maldives is an archipelago nation just south of India. With a population of just half a million people, the islands may seem inconsequential, and the small republic is mostly known as a paradise getaway for tourists.

Maldives’ President Mohamed Muizzu (R) and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, January 10, 2024 ©  STR / CNS / AFP

 Despite this, the nation is, in fact, a stage for a political flashpoint between China, India and the West, having recently elected a new president, Mohamed Muizzu, who is actively pro-Beijing and openly antagonistic to New Delhi, so much that Indians are now threatening a tourism boycott of the countryMuizzu has just visited China, where he inked a series of agreements with Xi Jinping, particularly in the area of infrastructure.

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USA encourages Israel’s Nazi Pathways

Blackjack Bibi …. with the title and the highlights being impositions by The Editor, Thuppahi

I was interested in the “NOTE from VB, an American citizen from Sri Lanka” which refers to Nikki Haley advocating the final solution for the Palestinians with the words “finish them off” in a hail-blaze glory of mass extermination which has come to embody what the West and Australians refer to as “Western values”. Haley doesn’t seem to realize what she is advocating is what Hitler advocated for the Jews. These two “final solutions’ can never be right under any circumstances.

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Madness at the Heights of Power in USA: Electoral Demogogy

A NOTE from VB, an American citizen from Sri Lanka … responding to the Item in Thuppahi from  “A Sri Lankan in Brisbane”

Future Leadership in USA – Republican Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley

Citizen: “What will you do with Iran if you were President?”

Hayley: What I said to Netanyahu …. Finish them! Finish them! They are only going to try and kill us and kill Israelis …..”

No worries, guys! The land of the free and the home of the brave will be in good hands!

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The GAZA Clash & Its Ramifications: Fundamental Grounding …. A Sri Lankan’s Reading

A Sri Lankan in Brisbane … responding to my Thuppahi Question: Why did HAMAS launch an attack in Palestine [with implicit awareness of extreme Israeli retaliations] ? … with the highlighting in red being that of the Editor, Thuppahi and that in black being the author’s.


Dear Michael,

Israel has never been a country that abided by International rules.

Although the majority of Jews migrated to Israel from Russia & Eastern Europe, the British & US heavily back Israel because the wealthy Jews who fund US Congress are in the US & UK. The US Congress is beholden to these wealthy Jews for their election funding. In addition, almost all Arab countries are headed by corrupt US cronies, beholden to the $.

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On the Brink of World War III?

Fair Dinkum …. with highlights imposed by The Editor, Thuppahi

As this war escalates, it’s only a matter of time before these US warships are sunk. They are sitting ducks in the Red Sea. The US is not in a position to deter anyone except perhaps for the occasional dolphin.
What has not been reported is that not only is Yemen launching drones and air strikes, but that a major escalation of Hezbollah attacks occured last night on the Lebanon-Israel border and that Hezbollah successfully hit a number of US interests in the region. 

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