Tag Archives: political activist

Police brutality in Egypt and counter-measures

IRIN news item which is highly suggestive for Sri Lanka and points to unutiilized paths that could be adopted in our land. Web Editor.

CAIRO, 20 December 2011 (IRIN) – One of the key moments in the build-up to the 25 January uprising and the overthrow of Egypt’s former President Mubarak was the alleged beating to death of a young man, Khaled Said, by police in Alexandria – an event which galvanized Egyptians around the issue of police brutality. Amid allegations of ongoing police brutality, security sector reform, which is vital for the country’s economic and social stability, is becoming an increasingly vociferous demand of protesters and civil society representatives.

Former policeman Ihab Youssef, now campaigning for better relations between the police and public but who is often met with distrust and skepticism on the street, told IRIN: “The gap between policemen and ordinary citizens continues to grow day after day and if this gap is not bridged, Egypt will be in danger. Concerted efforts must be made for the relationship between police and citizens to get back on track.” Continue reading

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