Tag Archives: hindu festival

Keller’s Love Affair with Lanka

Walter Keller-Kirchhoff, born in the Dortmund Ruhr region of Germany in 1951, has committed himself to working and assisting the people and society within Sri Lanka for over thirty years through several German aid agencies linked to the government of Deutschland. In certain ways he is a reminder of that wonderful man, Ben Bavinck. Keller’s deep engagement with the country has also found expression through his professional photographic capacities. It is my privilege to provide the world with a glimpse of his capacities – and thus of landscape and people – through his camerawork. SEE http://www.flickr.com/photos/thuppahi/sets/72157628488122077/ for several more of his photographs of the landscapes and peoples of Sri Lanka.                                                             

A devotional act and fulfilment of a vow at a Hindu festival in the Jaffna Peninsula, late 2011

Army soldiers prepare fora devotional rite a during Poson at Tiriyaya Temple

 a friendly “asala malaikum” from a Muslim gent

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