Lankan Military Personnel Mark Their Hard-Won Triumph in the Eelam Wars on Anniversary of the Final Moments

Kumar Kirinde & Co, 18 May 2024

Dear RAFOA Member,  Tomorrow, 18th May marks the 15th anniversary of the end of the armed conflict  between the GOSL and the LTTE. In remembrance of the efforts made by the SL armed forces and sacrifices made by tri-services personnel in bringing this conflict to an end, attached is a one page brief and an article done by two retired SLAF officers based overseas and a copy of an article written by a Sri Lankan defence analyst to an Australian defence journal (shared by a military history enthusiast also based overseas for the benefit of our RAFOA membership).


In addition below links were shared by another RAFOA member showcasing the actions of the SL armed forces against the LTTE towards the latter stages of the conflict.

With kind regards

Kumar …..Gp Capt Kumar Kirinde (Retd), President – RAFOA

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A NOTE: The “defence analyst” referred to above was/is Serge De Silva Ranasinghe, who was based in Perth and produced a remarkable series of illustrated articles on the war in worldwide defence journals. I am still not aware of the ways and means that allowed him to access details of the ongoing battles from within his perch in Perth.

De Silva-Ranasinghe’s In-Depth Studies of the LTTE’s Downfall During Eelam War IV . A Bibliography


Tamil civilians streaming westwards across Nandikadal Lagoon to GoSL space  so as to escape their entrapped situation in May 2009


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Filed under accountability, asylum-seekers, atrocities, authoritarian regimes, communal relations, counter-insurgency, ethnicity, governance, heritage, historical interpretation, insurrections, landscape wondrous, life stories, LTTE, military strategy, patriotism, politIcal discourse, power politics, Rajapaksa regime, refugees, rehabilitation, security, self-reflexivity, Sinhala-Tamil Relations, sri lankan society, tamil refugees, Tamil Tiger fighters, trauma, truth as casualty of war, vengeance, world events & processes, zealotry

One response to “Lankan Military Personnel Mark Their Hard-Won Triumph in the Eelam Wars on Anniversary of the Final Moments

  1. Chandra Maliyadde

    Are we talking of second world war

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