Galle Fort and Cricket Grounds: Overviews and ‘Ancient’ Views

.… AND …. here well before cricket established itself  and before “the Esplanade” as everyone called the space in front of the FORT during the first half of the twentieth century …. one witnesses an unique photograph revealing the scenario before the clocktower was built and an entrance punched through the centre of the frontal ramparts facing south.

This photograph (19.5 x 24cm) has been kindly provided by The National Library of Australia where it is entitled Od Dutch fortification, Point de Galle”.  I reckon it dates from about the year 1890 -before the clock tower in memory of Dr Anthonisz was built and an entrance punched through the walls in a central position.


Filed under architects & architecture, art & allure bewitching, cricket for amity, European history, heritage, historical interpretation, landscape wondrous, photography, sri lankan society, the imaginary and the real, world events & processes

7 responses to “Galle Fort and Cricket Grounds: Overviews and ‘Ancient’ Views

  1. Chitran ( Chitty) Duraisamy

    Absolutely splendid and what a beautiful capture! Thank you MR for sharing and making the heart skip a beat of glory days gone.

  2. Nissanka Warakaulle

    Thank you for sharing

  3. Thanks Michael,great memories
    Flyle Hussain

  4. Sarath Gamini De Silva

    Thanks Michael. How about a coffee table book with all these pictures?

    • An EXCELLENT IDEA Sarath. Please get a Small team of Richmondites-Mahindians-aloysians together and in partnership with the Galle Public Library initiate a PUBLIC CAMPAIGN to collect money for the purpose.

      A SERIOUS SUGGESTION on my part …. and i am pretty sure IVAN AMARASINGHE –ANOMA ABYEWARDENA — NICK BROOKES-etc in UK will chip in with donations.

  5. Lakshman Gunasekara

    Doing things with the finesse of a scientist AND an aesthete, as usual! We, Lankans (whatever our ideological ilk), owe you a huge debt not just for your prophetic social analysis (since your Ceylon Studies Seminar papers in the early ’60s) but also for your creative and didactic aesthetic which has informed and inspired several generations not only in your homeland but throughout the world. A book publication is an excellent idea. Galle, as a multicultural ancient international entrepot, deserves such attention – not just the one-time financial investments for tourism.

    • Many thanks.
      NOTE– A Richmondite doctor friend Sarath de Silva has suggested a COFFEE TABLE BOOK …. Not a bad idea –one Which i will be exploring. This is a preliminary note towards that end — inspired in part by the convivial relations I enjoyed with an amalgam of old Aloysians, Richmondites and Mahindians in July and August in Galle and Colombo.

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