Thamilini’s Book in Sinhala: Pathways to Reflection and Reconciliation

Listen to playwright Dharmasiri Bandaranaike’s Exposition of the Virtues of the Book via BBC Sinhala Service …

How the paths that led to her revising her views can promote wider self-examination and reform  .. karunaava dakveema

Her transformation (parivarthanaya ) = a lesson to all

තමිලිනී ස්වයං චරිතාප්‍රදානය සිංහලෙන්

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ දිවියන් මිය යෑම වාර්තා ගත මට්ටමකට ළඟා වී ඇති බව සමස්ත ලංකා වනජීවී නියාමනකරුවන්ගේ සංගමය පවසයි.

ඡායාරූප- Getty/ ඉෂාර කොඩිකාර

BBC Sinhala - සංදේශය's photo.


ALSO SEE Shamindra Ferdinando: “Colonel Thamilini’s version of events that led to LTTEE’s annihilation,”Island, 24 May 2016, at


Filed under accountability, Indian religions, life stories, LTTE, politIcal discourse, self-reflexivity, Sinhala-Tamil Relations, sri lankan society, tolerance, unusual people

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