Bishop Francis in Incisive Critique of Sri Lanka’s Poltical Leaders

A Note from a Sinhalese Friend in Canada: “Hello Michael, I have attached a video of a former Bishop of Kurunegala talking to a Adaderana TV interviewer- a Sinhala Broadcast.on March 12, 2019.The former Bishop is a Sri Lankan, by birth an ”Estate Tamil” Christian. He talks of a secret meeting with Ban Ki-Moon in 2011 and also about chats with another Lankan Leader who was very anti-Sri Lankan!! This interview is very, very interesting: apparently the Bishop resigned from his position as a Bishop due to the anti-SL stand taken by the church. The former Bishop is very pro SL in his views.”

Note 2:  Shantha Francis was appointed anAnglican Bishop in 2010 and then on 6 January 2015 the Archbishop of CanterburyJustin Welby, announced that Francis had resigned as Bishop of Kurunegala. In a statement by Francis he advised that he had been threatened by Tamil diaspora groups opposing his stand for a unitary state and the sovereignty of the country” — from Wikipedia …. So my Canadian friend’s final note is in error.LISTEN

දේශද්‍රෝහී නායකයා කව්ද? දමිළ බිෂොප්තුමාගේ හෙළිදරව්ව | Talk With Chatura (Short Version)


Published on Mar 12, 2019

රදගුරු ශාන්ත ෆ්‍රැන්සිස් පියතුමන් සමග කල සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡාවේ විනාඩි 20 ක කොටසක් මෙලෙස ඔබට ඉදිරිපත් කරනු ලබන අතර සම්පුර්ණ වැඩසටහන ළඟදීම ඔබට Talk With Chatura වැඩසටහන ඔස්සේ නැරඹිය හැකියි.


* Jude Fernando: “Bishop Shantha Francis And The Diaspora,”   9 January 2015,  2015,

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