The Fake Memoirist’s Survival Guide

   on “How to embellish your life story without getting caught” ….  

……… SEE


The Fair Niromi

Especially recommended for DBS Jeyaraj, Nikki Barraclough, Shanika Sriyananda and all those who have swallowed the performance of Niromi de Soyza in presenting her so-called autobiographical memoir, Tamil Tigress, wth the assistance of Allen & Unwin [of Demidenko fame]. A careful study will probably indicate, as Arun Ambalavanar suggests, that she has at times leaned on the work of Narayan Swamy — thereby repeating  the same little mistakes that he made in relating a few incidents [mistakes that are inevitable in relating a complex story from afar, but are less likely if one is a bystander or participant in the events]

. The real Niromi , namely, Subothini Mariatta Anandarajah

SEE ** Judy Mariampillai in

** Michael Roberts: “Clouds of Deception: Jeyaraj anoints and cloaks Niromi Tigress,” in

** Michael Roberts: “Niromi de Soysa’s Path of Redemption with Deception? or Both?” 27 October 2011,


Filed under accountability, australian media, cultural transmission, female empowerment, historical interpretation, life stories, LTTE, news fabrication, pulling the leg, women in ethnic conflcits

4 responses to “The Fake Memoirist’s Survival Guide

  1. Pingback: Tamil tigeress playing to the different audiences – Niromi de Soyza’s (Subothini Mariatta Anandarajah) witchcraft revealed. « tamiltigerterrorist

  2. Pingback: Tamil tigeress playing to the different audiences – Niromi de Soyza’s (Subothini Mariatta Anandarajah) witchcraft revealed | tamiltigeractivities

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